Arthur Pieman Conservation Area Management Advisory Committee. (APMAC)

The purpose of this website is to explore another avenue of communication and gaining feedback from the users and stakeholders of the Arthur Pieman area.

Welcome to our new Website.

We have previously attempted to construct a “Facebook” page to assist however this appeared to be thwart with danger so we have explored and developed an independent web page which we are able to moderate and avoid possible legal ramifications. It is our intention to post minutes of our monthly meeting on this website, any developments or issues arising and allow the public to respond with a degree of privacy by asking questions, identifying issues which the committee will respond to and with consent of both the initiator of the communication and the Committee we may make public the issue/question if it is believed it is in the public’s interest.

The current APMAC has been in place for approximately 5 years consisting of the six (6) members structured to represent:

  • Chair of Committee - Locky Avery held position for 5 years

  • Conservation and environmental issues - Willie Gale held position for 5 years

  • Recreational issues - Perry King held position for 5 years

  • Local Government - Mayor Gerard Blizzard recently appointed previously held by Darryl Quilliam

  • Cultural Heritage issues - Selina Colegrave recently appointed previously held by Peter Benson

  • Business opportunity issues -Ian Heres held position for 5 years.

All committee members have varied contact and interaction with the Arthur Pieman area and are passionate in representing community views in the area.

To represent community views the Committee is constantly seeking ways to communicate with all community members, stakeholders and users of the Arthur Pieman area. We have invited many stakeholders to attend meetings to express their views and also held public forums to be better informed of the many issues and be in a position to advise the Minister from a balanced perspective.

These stakeholders have included the Circular Head Aboriginal Council, various 4WD clubs, Surfing Tasmania, Bob Brown Foundation, Birds Tasmania, Tarkine Coast Progress Committee, Circular Head Tourism, Tasmanian Fire Service, Tasmania Police, various politicians, property owners in the Conservation area and other recreational users.

There are certain groups the APMAC have continually invited to their meetings to listen and better understand their perspective however at this stage they have not replied or demonstrated a willingness to engage.

From this process we realise that there are different views, and needs from the area and the Committee strives to find a balance of preserving the uniqueness of the are and allowing the continued use and enjoyment of the various recreational pursuits. This involves an inclusive approach without prejudice or discrimination by managing the area and not simply locking it up or excluding certain user groups.

The Committee also has an overview of the areas Parks and Wildlife Business Enterprise. This Business Enterprise has limited streams of income, basically from Camping Permits, 4WD recreation passes and cattle agistment fees into the area. The APMAC has a management role on the expenditure of these direct fund.

There are many issues that have been addressed or we continue to pursue as a committee and some of these as examples are:

  • The fire plan for the area and the need to reduce fuel load by controlled burns.

  • The communication problems. We have recently had meetings at a high level with Telstra and are pleased to announce that the upgrade of the Arthur River Tower to 4G will be given priority to reduce further blackspots.

  • Proposal to create a dedicated challenging 4WD camping route away from the sensitive coastline and culturally sensitive areas to allow the 4WD enthusiast to pursue their passion causing far less damage to the area and lessen disturbance to other recreational uses. It is this proposal that eventuated into a 10-million-dollar funding agreement for the West Coast to advance the concept. It is currently undergoing extensive consultation and planning.

  • Better legislation and enforcement against offenders that cause significant environmental damage. This may include authority to order offender out of the area and a suspension of returning for a considerable period i.e. 6-12 months and serious ramifications if they breach such orders including seizure of vehicle they are found on or in.

  • A better more common-sense approach to campfires more in line with Tas Fire hot day or total fire ban approach rather than a blanket no campfire. This may include use of raised campfire with spark retardant capability and a bucket of water nearby to extinguish sparks or fire at end of evening. This discussion assisted greatly in modifying the strict approach and and allow the recreational users to have a traditional safe campfire environment.

  • Cattle agistment and the need to monitor the feed and stock conditions with an independent assessment to ensure the environment and the animal are well looked after.

  • The inequity of some shack owners having to maintain public access roads to their shacks whilst all other visitors or commercial venture enjoy the use of these roads. This matter has now received a $900 000  grant to improve the roads however we are still in discussion about ongoing maintenance and the Committee believes the Council should be somehow funded to take over ongoing management as it appears to be sensible for maintenance to be done by professionals when other roads are being maintained in the area.

  • Priority in relation to maintenance and repairs of the tracks in the area including which bridges are more utilised and should attract funding.

  • Advice ad scrutiny over the expenditure of the Business Enterprise funds. An example is the Committee discovered the relocation of some of these monies to a central budget outside of the Arthur Pieman. The subsequent concerns we raised ensured monies refunded and spent within the Arthur Pieman.

  • Horse riders and the recognition that they should enjoy access without special permit to the general area where there are no specific restrictions. A memorandum of understanding may be developed to better protect these users.

  • Development and funding of the “Edge of the World” experience.

  • The ongoing problem of access South of Sandy Cape has also had considerable input form the Committee. In reality this issue is very complex and will not be advanced unless the State Government is prepared to submit the necessary application to the Federal Government which involves a very complex and costly series of public Environment reports including cultural heritage, flora and fauna impacts. The current Government have expressed a reluctance to advance this issue preferring to spend the money to advance other options in the surrounding area thus the 10 million funding. Without all these reports the Committee cannot fully inform itself  and balance all issues against the competing demands of the stakeholders and general public. We are not in a position to form a complete view however we have advised the Minister on the impact and views of the people who use the area.  What does concern the Committee is at times the sensationalising of issues, claims through the media without the level of investigative journalism to perhaps verify claims, seek a more balanced view and cease trying to stereotype or categorise the various recreational users and stakeholders..

  • Any other issue, be it major or minor that is raised to any of the Committee through public consultation.

There is an element in the community that will seek to degrade the value of the committee and try to advance the issue that we are politically appointed as a token to support Government and Parks and Wildlife. This is not the fact and we are continually holding robust discussion and giving the Minister advice the is perhaps contrary to the views of the Department. There will always be those that want to misinform themselves and convince anyone else who will listen or advance some sort of conspiracy theory with their misinformation. With their negativity they are attempting to denigrate a committee of volunteers that are unpaid and freely give up their time to strive to protect this area in a balanced inclusive manner so we can all continue to enjoy the experiences within the Arthur Pieman area.

It is for this reason we release this information as we have been guilty of not informing the public of our endeavours thus allowing misinformation to grow.

​Thundering waves crash against this rugged coastline in North​-West Tasmania. Stand at the Edge of the World at Arthur River and breathe in some of the planet’s freshest air.